So, you want to grow your business and your email list. It’s a great idea, and one that I’ve touched on in the past. But first I want you to ask yourself one important question:
Who are you trying to sell to?
Figuring out your ideal customer is essential if you want to refine your marketing message to get better results and attract people who will genuinely need and want your product.

Why it’s important to identify your ideal client.
A lot of novice business owners may feel that it’s smarter to cast a wide net when it comes to attracting customers. After all, they reason, if they try to attract absolutely everyone, they’ll have a greater chance of success.
This is not the best approach in most cases.
A successful email list is a list that targets the people most likely to be interested in your product or service. If you’re wasting your time trying to attract people that will never have a need for your offerings, then that is time not being spent on the prospects who really matter.
It’s not the size of your list that counts — it’s the quality. Click To Tweet
So, take the time to think about who is actually going to use your product. Whose pain are you addressing? Who is in the position to really benefit? Those are the people you want to talk to!

How to attract your perfect prospects.
What’s better than reaching out to your ideal audience? Having that audience come to you. Imagine having an email list that practically grows itself! This may sound like magic, but it’s a trick that you can perform yourself.
It’s simple: Offer content that your ideal customer really, really, really wants. No hat or rabbit needed!
You can achieve this by offering great incentives to join your list (digital downloads, coupon codes, etc) and by offering amazing and shareable content in your newsletters and on your website. Consider including buttons or links that make it easy for prospects to share your content or offers with their colleagues and friends.

Keep tweaking your profile.
As your business grows and your offerings shift, you may need to check back in on your ideal customer profile and make some changes.
Make it a point to review every year at least – is the ideal customer of 12 months ago still your ideal today? Do you have new offerings that may be better suited to an additional profile? How can you refine your target audience to reflect any growth or changes you’ve experienced. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – but if you could benefit from some fine-tuning, it’s definitely worth the effort.